
Slide 1 - About Hubiwise

Explore the human nature, motivational mindset inspiration, creativity ideas for an active and fulfilling life, good vibes and the beauty of traveling. These are the topics I'm truly passionate about. Let's realise that there's more to life than just the daily routine. Let me help you to become your better self

- Hubi -

Slide 2 - Read Blog

Gain new insights, be inspired and enjoy the wisdom of common sense! In my blog I share my perspective and write about the big questions as they come into my mind and which I think are important for people to know and contemplate about. Let's focus on the essentials.

Slide 3 - Global Culture

The world needs a new and global worldview that can synthesise the best ideas existing across cultures in religion, philosophy and science, so that in togetherness we can all agree on the same basis for common human values. Let's make it happen!

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Human Condition

Human nature consists of body sensations, emotions and thoughts. It's a mix that is ever developing towards more complexity and refinement. Our nature is constant evolution towards higher ideals.

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Travel Destinations

Traveling lets us learn more about other people, their cultures and modes of thinking. Each new place is a chance to see the world with its wonderful vibes differently. Explore the places I visited along with my tips and advice.

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Hubiwise Global Culture


The world needs a new and global worldview that can synthesise the best ideas existing across cultures in religion, philosophy and science. Let's make it happen! The basis for establishing the meaning of life and ethical behaviour should be based on the concept of Unity.

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Why Hubiwise?

I am Hubi, a Digital Designer and Content Creator. I’ve always been keen on pushing my personal boundaries, traveling far and trying to improve as a person. After having worked full-time in a corporate environment for a long time, I grew tired of the daily routine and the never-ending commutes. I decided that there’s a life adventure waiting for me out there and went on a journey to Southeast Asia.

Ever since I’ve been going on travels to various destinations with the objective of turning my personal experience into something valuable that I could share. I discovered that a journey out into the world is also a journey inwards into yourself. I believe in positive mindset and good relations with people as a requirement for genuine, selfless character development. Join me on the exploration of the inner and outer world!

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