Loneliness Hubiwise

Being Alone vs. Loneliness: You Are Not Alone

Being Alone vs. Loneliness

Loneliness Hubiwise
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Today is my birthday (originally written and recorded back in April 2020 at the height of Corona quarantine)! Although birthdays are everyone’s time to celebrate their uniqueness and share their joy with friends and family, in this weird year 2020 probably most of us were or will be forced to have a very slimmed down version of this very special day. Or perhaps many of us will be forced to celebrate it by ourselves. In this situation I think it’s fair enough to think about the difference between being alone and feeling lonely and how to overcome real loneliness. Let me explain.

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Wisdom Kitchen Hubiwise

The Ingredients For Self-Development

The Ingredients For Self-Development

Ingredients For Self-Development - Hubiwise
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Now is the time to reveal to you the meaning of life. Let me ask you: what do you think is the meaning of life and how to get there? What could be easier to answer than that, right? Let me claim this: the meaning of life is self-development and thus the unfoldment of your emotional and mental capabilities.  Let me explain.

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How To Be Productive Hubiwise

How To Be Productive Every Day – Increase Your Productivity

How to be productive every day

How To Be Productive Hubiwise
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I often have this feeling that I can never finish what I wanted to do for the day. My to-do list usually gets too long. I think time and self-management is an issue most people can relate to. We all have professional and private goals we want to achieve, even though there’s many obstacles in our way. What’s the best ways to be and stay productive? It requires far more than just making a simple to-do list. Your whole mindset has to improve if you want to increase your productivity and realise your long-term goals. Let’s break it down.

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Self-Development Crisis Hubiwise

Self-Development In The Face Of Crisis – Be Your Better Self

Self-development in the face of crisis

Self-Development Crisis Hubiwise
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I’d like to discuss the topic of self-development by being your better self in times of crisis. Usually I don’t make references to current world affairs in my articles as my interest revolves around generic principles, self-improvement and human nature. However, because the spread of the corona virus is so into our faces and omnipresent in the media right now, I should maybe give it a little mention.

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News Negativity Hubiwise

Why watching too much NEWS is bad for you

Why watching too much news is bad for you

News Negativity Hubiwise
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Watching too much news is really bad for you and media spreads too much negativity. In this article I’m going to show you that news and knowledge are two different things. I’ll also explain to you the difference between correlations and single events and make a case for why it is better for you to keep your exposure to news and negativity to an absolute minimum.

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Universal Ethics Hubiwise

Does universal ethics exist or is everything relative?

Is there universal ethics or is everything relative?

Universal Ethics Hubiwise
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We've got a big problem in the western society nowadays. There seems to be no clear directions about how to live a good life. A part of the problem is that in these modern times everything is made totally subjective: just act the way you feel seems to be the theme. But does universal ethics based on objective truths exist and can it guide us to live a good life? I claim definitely YES! Let me explain.

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Hubiwise - Men's Accessories

Six Men’s Accessories Every Guy Should Have

Six Men's Accessories Every Guy Should have

Hubiwise - Men's AccessoriesWatch on Youtube

Let’s start with the small things! Men's accessories might be your best style investment because once you put on an accessory it makes you look better by default. However, bear in mind for a guy less is better. Accessories add small touches to your outfit that catch the eye, but don’t distract from your overall look. What options does a guy have? Here’s my top 6 accessory picks for men that I like and use.

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Politics Hubiwise

Yin and Yang of Politics & Political Parties

What's a good party? What's a bad party? The Yin and Yang of Politics

Political Spectrum & Parties Explained
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Many dissatisfied people don’t follow politics. There’s also not many really educated views among us people, just this generic fatigue and distrust when it comes to politics. All those terms might be confusing: capitalism, socialism, communism, liberalism, social democrat, left-wing, right-wing, centrist, moderate, extremist and so on. It’s time to clarify what actually matters in politics and state a few things that honestly never get said but should be said. I hope this will contribute to better understanding of politics outside of that unnecessarily hyped political news coverage that only chases stories of the current day.

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Opinions Empathy Hubiwise

Respect people’s opinions – empathy vs. being right

Empathy vs. Being Right: Respect Other People's Opinions

Respect People's Opinions - Empathy vs. Knowledge
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Let’s talk about people's opinions, shall we? I want you to think about why it’s important to respect other people’s opinions even if they’re not right. Also, I’d like to convince you why it’s crucial to have a good relationship with someone rather than just showing that one is being right. I think everyone can relate to that problem pretty well in their everyday life.

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