Hubiwise - Mood Swings

Emotions – How To Handle Your Mood Swings

Mood Swings - How To Handle Your Emotions

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One of the great obstacles to self development is the very trivial and constant mood swings that we experience in our everyday lives. It’s this ever present changeableness in ourselves in the form of of emotions and feelings that just come and go. They alter our whole attitude towards things and to be honest, they wield an enormous power over us. You might wonder, why are moods such an obstacle in your life and how can you handle your emotions and mood swings in the first place? Let me explain.

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What is perception

What Is Perception? How Mind And Senses Interact

What Is Perception?

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What is perception? I know, we’ve got something such as facts. How come then that people have different opinions on the same facts? This is due to perception. Perception is a mix of objective facts and subjective experience. Let’s break it down a bit so that it’s easy to understand how mentality interacts with our senses to create our perception.

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Nihilism Hubiwise

Antidote to Nihilism: Finding Meaningfulness

Antidote to Nihilism: Finding Meaningfulness

Nihilism Hubiwise
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Why are you unhappy? How do you become spiteful and hateful? Where does hate come from? How does life become meaningless? If you grow up in a lovable environment, with lovable parents, go to a regular school, have a regular job, have a regular partner and regular friends, then you should have no reason to be spiteful or depressed, right? I’m describing the life of an average person and happiness is just a natural way of being. It’s not that you have to do anything to be happy in the moment. So what prevents people from being happy in the moment? What happens that makes people negative, that keeps them away from the peace of mind? Today I’m going to explain where people’s inner misery comes from and that the antidote to that might be in finding meaningfulness in little things.

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Chemistry of Feelings

Chemistry of Happiness: Hormones

The Chemistry of Happiness - How Hormones Influence Your Mind

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I’ve been covering the emotional and mental development in my previous articles which was mainly about dealing with consciousness, with psychology. Today I’d like to focus on the biological basis of feelings, because at the end of the day, everything that is psychological, is also biological. And knowing the biological mechanisms can give you some insight into why we behave the way we do. Your body chemicals affect your work-life balance and also how you build and destroy your relationships. Let’s look at the chemistry of feelings.

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Hubiwise - Morning Routine

Morning Routine – Tips to boost your health and motivation

Morning Routine - Tips to boost your health and motivation

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Today I’m going to share with you a good morning routine, so all the little habits that you can do to keep yourself healthy and motivated straight from the beginning of the day. The morning is a very important phase of the day as here you can set your mind towards positive and motivating thoughts. Let me tell you what you can really do as your daily morning routine to boost your health and motivation.

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Gratefulness Hubiwise

Perception – Why You Should be Grateful

Why You Should be Grateful

Gratefulness Hubiwise
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Gratitude - this is the magical attitude that will open up untold possibilities to your personal development and well being. Your perception influences your thoughts which in turn create your feelings and thus give meaning to the events in your life. Gratitude is the key thought which can help you set your mind on the right path to a better inner life and self improvement. Let’s examine this single quality of gratitude, because there’s a real treasure to be uncovered here.

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Hubiwise - Workout Motivation

Workout Motivation And Character Development

WORKOUT MOTIVATION - How Physical Training Develops Your Character

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I love sports, workout and motivation. I don't claim to be an expert and to be doing it all correctly, but I love movement and physical activity. It’s important that we take care of the well-being of our mind, feelings and also the body. I’ve been writing a lot about mental development, but what about the simple issues of the body?

It’s important to stay healthy and fit, because our physical well-being also has an impact on our emotional and mental well being. We shouldn’t live just in our heads, but also in our whole body. The body is real and therefore important while thoughts and feelings seem so fleeting and intangible. Besides, regular physical training and workout motivation can teach us much about discipline and willpower which are incredibly important mental virtues for personal growth.

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