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What Is Art? A Perspective You Didn’t Know…

WHAT IS ART? A Perspective you didn't know...

What art is - Hubiwise
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Art - no other topic seems so vague and undefined. Architecture is for buildings, economy is for goods and services, medicine is for health, science is for research and technology... But what is art for? Why can’t people come up with a clear idea about this topic? Well, I thought this through for you and here’s my own take on art.

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Hubiwise Productivity Routines

Productivity Boost I Daily Top Routines

how to be productive - DAILY TOP ROUTINES

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What is the main obstacle to productivity? Simply put, laziness. Laziness is physical and mental sluggishness, personal inertia. It can result from many things, but above all from the lack of will, and from the bad condition of your mind and body. About all these things you can take definite steps so that you can stay productive on a regular and sustainable basis.

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Hubiwise Influence of Emotions

Feelings – The Secret To Emotional Intelligence

Can you trust your feelings?

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Let’s talk about expressing your feelings. Emotions and feelings have work to do. Part of their job is to provide the energy and motivation that lets us meet our goals and needs, and despite the occasional fail, they often improve our performance in a given situation. Emotions and feelings play an important role in how we think and behave. However, when they blow up in the heat of the moment, then you're outside of the normal emotional state which can easily bring undesirable consequences upon you.

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Hubiwise - How To Love

The Meaning of Love: How To Love Selflessly

How To Love selflessly

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Every day can be a good day for development, regardless of the crises that come along our way. It’s in times of emergency and conflict that we realize that love is the most important thing in life. We need to love others as we love ourselves. But what is the meaning of love, this vague feeling? Let’s explore how to love yourself and how to love others selflessly and unconditionally.

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Hubiwise - Quit Social Media

Social Media Detox – Quit And Become Free

Social Media Detox - Quit And Become Free

Hubiwise - Quit Social Media
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In this article you will learn how to become free through social media detox. Quit and become free! I really mean it. I’m going to walk you through the problem of social media dependency and how to quit that addiction. I hope you'll realise that to quit social media temporarily from time to time makes you enjoy it even more while letting you keep a safe distance from it at the same time. Later on, I’m also going to reveal to you what most people don’t seem to realise, which is: why it actually matters to be mentally free from social media through regular detox. Let’s dive into it.

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