Hubiwise - Men's Accessories

Six Men’s Accessories Every Guy Should Have

Six Men's Accessories Every Guy Should have

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Let’s start with the small things! Men's accessories might be your best style investment because once you put on an accessory it makes you look better by default. However, bear in mind for a guy less is better. Accessories add small touches to your outfit that catch the eye, but don’t distract from your overall look. What options does a guy have? Here’s my top 6 accessory picks for men that I like and use.

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Politics Hubiwise

Yin and Yang of Politics & Political Parties

What's a good party? What's a bad party? The Yin and Yang of Politics

Political Spectrum & Parties Explained
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Many dissatisfied people don’t follow politics. There’s also not many really educated views among us people, just this generic fatigue and distrust when it comes to politics. All those terms might be confusing: capitalism, socialism, communism, liberalism, social democrat, left-wing, right-wing, centrist, moderate, extremist and so on. It’s time to clarify what actually matters in politics and state a few things that honestly never get said but should be said. I hope this will contribute to better understanding of politics outside of that unnecessarily hyped political news coverage that only chases stories of the current day.

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Opinions Empathy Hubiwise

Respect people’s opinions – empathy vs. being right

Empathy vs. Being Right: Respect Other People's Opinions

Respect People's Opinions - Empathy vs. Knowledge
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Let’s talk about people's opinions, shall we? I want you to think about why it’s important to respect other people’s opinions even if they’re not right. Also, I’d like to convince you why it’s crucial to have a good relationship with someone rather than just showing that one is being right. I think everyone can relate to that problem pretty well in their everyday life.

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Hubiwise Minimalism

Minimalist Wardrobe! Men’s Lifestyle Tips

Minimalist Wardrobe! Simplify Your Life

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I decided to sift through my wardrobe to check what I really need and what I can do without. You might have heard about minimalism. To be honest, I hold in high regard anything that has to do with simplicity, elegance, utility and restraint, so the concept of minimalism and minimalist wardrobe sounds very attractive to me. Let’s see if I can dispense with some unnecessary stuff.

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Political Spectrums Deconstructed

Political spectrums - deconstructed

Understanding the relationships between order, innovation and freedom.

Political labelling helps us characterise the variety of views. However, too much emphasis on those labels causes problems.

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of the political terms left-wing, right-wing, centrism, conservatism, liberalism and socialism? What kind of ideas do they really represent and why does it matter?

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Academic Education

Improving education

Making wisdom the essential factor in learning.

Academic education treats of intellect. However, our society needs to teach more emotional intelligence (wisdom).

Academic education is important and it has its value. However, it’s a relative value that seems to be overestimated.

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How to achieve happiness

How to achieve Happiness

That banal question answered once and for all.

Happiness is our natural emotional-mental state when inner negativity is absent.

What would be a better topic to treat in the very first blog post than the question on how to achieve happiness in life. The question sounds incredibly overused. But could it be that we still don’t get it, and that’s why the same question comes up over and over again? Let’s answer it once and for all.

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