
Emotionality title image on Hubiwise: man in water 3


An emotion is mentally blind excitement in consciousness. It is always associated with some thoughts. Pure emotion is irrationality, a raw activation energy or arousal that motivates us to action.

Emotions are excitement in consciousness, inner arousal that provides energy as motivation for self-expression. They are pure excitability, and they usually intermingle with thoughts. The mix of emotion and thought where emotion preponderates is what we call a feeling. The main characteristics of emotions is their impulsivity and lack of mentality. If you act emotionally, you act based on impulse or whimsy.

Emotions are devoid of any rationality and are incapable to recognise nuances. Most people don't even think for themselves and don't use their intellect unless they are forced to do so under certain circumstances. That's because it takes effort to think, and if mentality is underdeveloped, then thinking is experienced as a strenuous and tedious process. On the other hand we love yielding to emotions, as they stimulate us to activity in the most direct way and provide the strongest motive for behaviour.

Definition of emotions

Emotion is excitement in consciousness. It is arousal devoid of thoughts which in its pure form is mentally blind (irrational).

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Anatomy of emotions

The part of the brain that controls and processes emotions is the limbic system and its centre of emotional processing is the amygdala.

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Development of emotions

The progress of human emotional development implies the ennoblement of feelings. Collectively, the cultivation of noble feelings is the task of culture.

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Title image on Hubiwise: Development of Emotion 1


The fundamental bodily needs express themselves as urges in both animals and humans. The impulses of self-preservation are encoded in our bodies as ancient, animal heritage. They are part of human nature that responds to environmental impulses to maintain the integrity of the body.

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Feelings are emotions tinted with thoughts where the emotion preponderates. Feelings are based on our mundane experiences of concrete physical objects, events and people.

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Imagination is a mix of thought and emotion where thought preponderates. When during emotional development thought becomes more prevalent than emotion, feeling becomes imagination.

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Title image on Hubiwise: Art & Beauty (paint & brushes) 1

Art & Beauty

Art is an expression of human consciousness and aims at developing emotional and mental faculties through beauty.

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Ethics for emotions

The goal of emotional development is the ennoblement of feelings. It is about purifying our emotional life from primitive, selfish, negative emotional complexes that we obtained through habits in the course of our lives.

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