Culture is the cultivation of thoughts and emotions through ethical values. True culture refines human nature e.g. elevates emotions, furnishes knowledge and keeps urges in check.
How do we achieve happiness? Where do we derive our morality from? What are the right policies? What is the meaning of life? Such enquiries are usually made in the context of science, religion, philosophy, psychology, sociology, politics and economy. However, all these enquiries come down to this question:
What is human nature?
Human nature concerns body and consciousness. Physical sensations such as hunger, thirst and sexual drive are urges coming for the constitution of the body. Emotions and thoughts on the other hand concern the inner experience, the consciousness. Our nature lies at the crossroads between bodily impulses and emotional-mental complexes.
On a neuronal level there's no difference between emotions and thoughts. It's all electrical and chemical impulses. However, we experience thoughts and emotions as two distinct human faculties with their own different dynamics. Understanding their characteristics and interactions with each other will help us gain insights into our inner subjective lives.