How To Become More Focused & Disciplined

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You know that feeling: you try to focus on something for your work very hard and realize you can't get to it. You feel distracted or just laziness creeps in. Your mind says 'do it!’', however your body and emotions aren’t in the right mood. This is all too humane. That's why you might wonder: how do you become more disciplined and focused to really push through with things. We're going to have a look at it right now.

Be Your Better Self

The ability to focus is the capacity of the mind. If the mind is a tool you have, the ability to divert your concentration is what makes you YOU. The focus of your mind influences matter. It enables you to move your muscles, speak, walk, act. We do it almost unconsciously and with great ease, because that's our nature.

That's why the ability to focus properly can make you a superhuman. You should train your willpower to be able to focus properly. It all comes down to self-discipline and self-control. You might recognise why it's crucial not to become sloppy, lazy and clumsy in daily life, but to really pull yourself together.

If sitting around in front of the TV all day long is your real self, then please don't be yourself. Try to become a better version of yourself. What's the steps you could take to become more disciplined and focused?

Motivation & Discipline

First of all, you need to be completely convinced by what you're doing and why. If you don't believe in something, you won't have that internal motivation to push it through if problems arise. And problems will always arise. The internal motivation comes from interlinking your activity with a positive emotion. You need to be passionate or enthusiastic about something in order to do it successfully. That's why the right internal motivation comes first if you want to become disciplined and consistent with something.

In order to focus, you don't necessarily need emotional motivation, although that definitely helps a lot. However, bear in mind: you CAN focus. That's what you are. Focus is your ability to influence and divert thoughts towards something specific. And you CAN do it, because that's what being human means. If you have a mind, you can focus. And if you can't focus, that's because you let yourself be distracted.

That's why in order to focus, disregard anything that could distract you. Switch off your phone, deactivate the notification sounds, turn off the music, meditate to calm down your mind. Bring yourself into the right condition in which you know you won't be disturbed by external stimuli.

Also, make sure that you don't distract yourself. It's very easy to self-sabotage. The best way to prevent it is to literally force yourself to focus if you're not in the right mood. Ultimately, you focus by doing the focusing, so if you feel lazy, just force yourself to prevail over your activity. Of course that will only work if you're motivated. That's why I mentioned the right internal motivation at the beginning of this article. Motivation, discipline and focus go hand in hand. Train yourself in all these three, and you stand a good chance to succeed.

Summon Your Inner Strength

I hope you can recognize that there's no real secret to being disciplined and focused. You really need to get to the point in life at which you acknowledge that those things are important and that they can help tremendously to succeed in your goals. If you clarify that to yourself, all you need to do is to summon all your internal strength and prevail. Every now and then you will need to force yourself to focus even though you're not in the right mood. But remember, the ability to focus has nothing to do with your mood. You can always focus, even if you're not in the mood. That's why train yourself in doing things you planned to do, even though you might not feel like doing that in the moment. Overcoming the little internal frustrations will make you a master over your willpower and that will help you later in life.

Of course, no success comes overnight. You will experience many failures when the inner laziness wins over your discipline. But with little steps over time you will see clear progress. That's why don't be judgemental with yourself. Just be nice to yourself and keep on moving steadily. I hope that helps you a lot. Thank you for reading.

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I am Digital Designer and Multimedia Specialist with long-time experience in web, video editing, content creation and creative campaign planning.

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