How To Find Meaningful Work | BARCELONA INSIGHTS

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In January I moved to Barcelona for a month while still working for the company I’m employed at. I wanted to use the opportunity of remote work and use that time to learn new places while retaining my current position. I swapped homes with someone I found through a home swapping website. I came to his flat temporarily and he went to mine. It worked out quite fine, so I recommend doing something like this.

I enjoyed Barcelona a lot. Being there while working inspired me to research the question on how to find meaningful work. What does it mean that a job should be meaningful? Obviously, a job should make you money, but it should also be meaningful if you want to have a certain level of satisfaction in personal life.

Let’s explore the thought further by firstly identifying the 3 criteria for a meaningful job. Secondly, I’ll explore why it is difficult for most people to find a meaningful work. Thirdly, I’ll make some suggestion what steps you can take to achieve meaningfulness in your job. Let’s get to it!

Hubiwise Travels - Barcelona 1, SpainWatch "What Makes A Job Meaningful" video on Youtube




What is meaningful is what taps into your inner soul, what expresses your genuine, inner motivation. There are different things that are meaningful to people. Some will find meaning in baking bread and others will find meaningfulness in doing computer science, programming, design - the examples are infinite. The first step to find that kind of meaning is to define what interests you, what excites and motivates you in daily life.


A meaningful job is an activity that helps others. It's very important to have a work which you think is genuinely helping people. If you just sell or do something that only decreases the well-being of people, then that job won't feel meaningful after a while. It's very important that your daily activities serve people and society.


You should feel the impact of what you do to your customers, audiences or target group. The work shouldn't be meaningful in theory. It should also feel meaningful on a regular basis. You should be able to see the goals as you’re reaching them and as they impact the people around you.

Hubiwise Travels - Barcelona 2, SpainWatch "What Is Meaningful For Myself" video on Youtube



I’m a digital designer, video editor and content creator for social media. What I think is meaningful is to share my thoughts and insights with people through images and videos in an entertaining way. Furthermore, I love inspiring through travels. That's what gives me a strong feeling of meaningfulness. As a designer and creative person you need to create, so shaping forms and making things that look pretty impact people around me makes my job meaningful. What gives meaningfulness to creative people and artists is aesthetics. Beauty elevates everyone around us by being shared visually. I think this is very meaningful to my work.



Based on the ideas I described the natural question arises: Why is it hard to find a meaningful job?


It's difficult to identify our true interests in the short span of time before we need to pay the bills. Everyone has their own inner self and interests with which they could contribute to society. However, life goes on incessantly and many people don't find the time or capacity to figure out their true interests so quickly before they need to take on a job or training to start paying for the bills.


Another reason for us failing to find a meaningful job is our lack of self-control. As we usually cannot control our emotions, feelings and passions we find ourselves pursuing shallow and unhelpful things in our daily life. These harmful, behavioural habits cloud our judgment a lot which is why we can't find meaningfulness easily and quickly before we have to dive head-on into social roles and responsibilities.


The third obstacle to meaningfulness is large and slow moving corporate environments. If you are employed in a big company, then there is a hierarchy of of tasks and roles. It's very easy to lose sight of your vocation. Meaningfulness gets easily lost in the daily struggles and processes. That's why you need a more tangible sense of results on a daily or weekly basis if you want to feel that your job is meaningful.

There we have it - the main problems why is it hard to find a meaningful job. I came to Barcelona to do both work and travel, because I wanted to experience something beyond the daily routine. That's why combining work and travels in the middle of winter provided me with a great feeling of meaningfulness. All of a sudden my job felt more meaningful and exciting because I had the opportunity to be free and independent of any location - which was and still is very important to me.

Hubiwise Travels - Barcelona 3, SpainWatch "Why is it hard to find a meaningful job" video on Youtube



Let’s look at the solution to the problem of meaningfulness and think about what steps we can take to find a meaningful job.


The first step is to find your own vocational self, to discover your inner vocation, your likes and interests. To figure those out you need to allow yourself to experiment and make mistakes. You cannot be afraid to make mistakes. It's very important that you test things out, that you discover what drives you, what interests and motivates you. Allow yourself to study again, to have extended work placements. Just try things out.

You need data to sort yourself out. Confusion and fear are normal at this stage. It's not the confusion and fear which are bad in themselves. It’s the way we handle that confusion and fear which is most important. That's what you learn when you put yourself out there in life and try things out to get to know yourself a bit better. Pick up on the faint signals of your nature coming from your inner self. Write down everything you love doing and you will eventually find out what genuinely interests you so that it can become your future work.


The second point is to train yourself in self-control, to focus on what matters and to support things and people that you think contribute most to humanity and society. It's very important to do things that really matter and not do things that are obviously bad for you.

You don’t want to be doing something only because it makes you money. If you pursue that path, sooner or later the activity will become very empty and you will want to switch to something else. Please, do things that are genuinely good for people and yourself! Be confident, don't ask for permission to try out things if you know that something is meaningful and valuable. If you know that something interests you a lot, then just go for it!


The third point is to be aware of the story that you're pursuing. Be aware of the narrative that you tell yourself and be aware of the vision that explains to you why you're doing what you're doing. It's important to have that long-term vision, that long-term goal and not to lose sight of those objectives. The vision and the story that you tell yourself will be motivating you for your future.

Furthermore, your meaningful work should have an intimacy of a small business. Whatever you do, you have to have tangible goals, so keep it really simple. Don't lose yourself in the process. It's crucial to bear in mind that relationship between your big, abstract vision for the future and your concrete, little milestones that you want to achieve on a regular basis.

Hubiwise Travels - Barcelona 4, SpainWatch "How to find a meaningful job" video on Youtube



Being happy with your work is not a trivial thing. It is actually one of the most important things in your life. What is important in your life is your family and friends, and also the activity you do daily. Your job is the self-expression of your inner, vocational being. That’s why have the courage to test things out. Make sure that your work is really meaningful for other people and that you really help society in general. Be aware of the story, of your bigger vision. Keep it simple and make it concrete in your daily life.

I hope you loved that perspective. Now you know what it is that you need to do to find meaningfulness in your life. Go and take action!

Hubiwise Avatar ImageBLOGGER: HUBI

I am Digital Designer and Multimedia Specialist with long-time experience in web, video editing, content creation and creative campaign planning.

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