How To Unleash Your Full Potential

Hubiwise - Motivational SpeechWatch Video On Youtube

Are you one of those people who have a clear dream of how wonderful your life could be? How great would it be to live on your own terms, pursuing the goals that matter to you, doing the things that you’re passionate about? Not a single minute of all this would feel like work. You would love your life and the freedom that you gain by expressing your inner creativity and sharing your joy with people around you.

Challenges Of Change

So you set out on the path you choose for yourself and very soon you realize the challenges, new pains, discomfort and insecurities that await you on the road towards your dream.

That’s the point at which most people would make a u-turn and return to their life of familiarity, security and comfort zone. Even though your old habits fill you with pain and suffering, you decide to stay where you are because at least the old pain feels familiar. This leaves you disappointed and heart-broken. The daily routine continues killing your soul, your inner spark of passion and excitement.

That’s the biggest mistake you can probably make in your life: staying where you are, although you hate it, only because you’re too lazy to face the personal challenges and fears. The biggest risk you can ever make in life is not taking the risk to improve it. If you don’t do it, you will grow more and more contemptuous of yourself, and that’s more painful than the pain of change.

Keep On Trying

But there’s always the right time to take the risk, to try something new and change your conditions for the better. If you failed before, reset your mind and try again. A baby doesn’t learn to walk on their first attempt. They try over and over again until they manage to stand. And once they stand, they learn to walk. And once they can walk, they learn to run. And then nothing can stop them from getting where they want. It’s the same in your later life and with the goals you set for your path.

If you want to escape mediocrity, boredom and the terrible emptiness of modern life, set yourself a goal in life and a clear path towards it. This will fill you with a positive emotion that provides you with motivation and dedication.

Don't Look Back!

Then, once you enter the path, reach the other side of the bridge and realise how hard the path is, how much effort you need to put into this, and how much more discomfort and pain awaits you, don’t look back. Don’t return to your life of boredom. Just decide to press forward, no matter what! Stay consistent and determined. That’s how you train your willpower and the strength of your character. Don't look back!

Ask yourself: what is it that motivates you? There’s always a way you’ll find your own and make it unique. As long as you trust yourself and stay true to yourself, you’ll be able to do what you love. Let your imagination run wild with no limitations and rules, except those made only by yourself!

Find a place to express your creativity. Do the things that are hard for as long as possible until they become easy and turn your fears and weaknesses into your biggest strengths.

Life Advice

Especially if you’re very young, you might feel weak and insecure. But please, decide to turn your pain into a positive energy, because positivity can uplift you, and you can’t change the past. So only look ahead and know that the real you is in the future, not in the past. And you can change the future. It’s in your hands!

Use your motivation to prove that you can be different and that you can do your own thing. You can do anything you want and be good at it only if you're passionate about it and as long as you have the motivation, the dedication and the focus to persist. These are your superpowers. If you don’t have them, train them!

Find out for yourself what works, and make it your own experience. Own your mistakes! Experience the pain of falling down on your knees, and the glorious victory of rising up towards the sky. We’re all superhuman with our own superpowers. What is your superpower? Once you find out, use it!

Be honest with yourself and ask, why you do what you do. The only validation and clarity you need is from yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do and what not. Don’t listen to friends who discourage you. Just leave them. They are not worth your time. If your family frustrates you, honour them, put them into a special place of love in your heart, and then do your own thing!

Make People Happy

The more you do yourself and experience little successes, the less you compare yourself to others. Build a strong relationship with yourself. You will have to make many sacrifices, but if you do what you love, it will never feel like work.

It might take a long time to become an overnight success. But putting quality over quantity pays off in the long term. Turn your purpose into a vision. Spread joy and happiness. Make people happy with whatever makes you happy.

If you stay in the zone of familiarity and comfort, your soul will die there. Sooner or later you will have to cross the bridge into the unknown, a new land, a new destination of opportunity where adventure, excitement and happiness reside.

You need courage and a healthy amount of positive madness to press forward instead of backing off. It’s only those courageous and crazy enough who will experience a life that others don’t even dare to dream about: a life of passion without fear and worries.

Don’t turn back when you have a chance to realise your dreams. Once you see that the future becomes different than the past and hard effort awaits you, don’t turn back to your previous life of doubts and worries only because it feels familiar. Don’t burn your soul for the sake of comfort.

Don’t be scared to act. You will be able to figure out the path forward. You will be able to solve your problem. Just press forward and stay at it.

Overcome Bad Habits

Cut off the ways that lead you to your old habits. Destroy everything that brings you back to mediocrity. If you want to quit smoking, trash your cigarettes. If you want to get fit, trash your junk food and join a gym. If you want to become a better speaker, socialise. If you want peace and focus, don’t socialise. Do whatever it takes!

I have faith in you! So have faith in yourself too! You’ve got to be crazy enough to believe in your ability despite the opinions of other people! It’s all hard, yes! But it’s absolutely worth the effort.

Pursuing your path will fill you with a positive emotion and provide you with meaning in your life. That’s why you need to turn your life goal into a vision. As you progress, you need to do things that challenge or frighten you. You need to face your problems and challenges, break them down into smaller manageable pieces, so that you can master them bit by bit.

Enjoy the process

Whenever you face and learn something new, it changes you. It literally changes you physically, because every time you confront a new challenge, your nervous system rewires itself and new proteins are built in your cells to accommodate the new experience. There’s literally more of you on the genetic and cellular level. You really grow, both mentally and physically. This means, the more you are, the more you can still become.

So please, keep on moving, my dear friend. Face your fears. Develop a strategy. Be smart about your strengths and weaknesses. What would life be without challenges and obstacles. We would all die of boredom. So face your challenge with joy, don’t take things personally, enjoy the process and trust in your own capacity as a person.

I believe in you, and so you should believe in yourself. Now get up and do your thing!

Hubiwise Avatar ImageBLOGGER: HUBI

I am Digital Designer and Multimedia Specialist with long-time experience in web, video editing, content creation and creative campaign planning.

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