Visit Italy - The Benefits Of Solo Travel

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Beautiful landscapes, exquisite wines and food, rich history, art and aesthetics - that's bella italia. I visited Italy and all went exactly as I imagined. Let me guide you through Bologna, Florence, Pisa and the magnificent coast of Cinque Terre while exploring the advantages of solo travel.

Have you ever had doubts about going on a trip alone? What is it that you were afraid of? Do you find it awkward or intimidating to travel solo? I did it in Italy, so let me give you my take on the question of how it is to travel alone.


Once I arrived in Bologna, I could already feel the different aesthetics of the country. Bologna is a student city with the oldest university in the western world. The well-preserved historical centre is the heartbeat of the city.

I think one day is long enough to get to know the place. You can manage to walk around the city centre within a few hours. Visit Piazza Maggiore with its wonderful architecture, and the Basilica di San Petronio. There are also many halls, inner courtyards and little streets to lose yourself in or to dine in nice places. But beware: the city is always full of people. It’s not a small town.

Hubiwise Travel - In Bologna, ItalyWatch Bologna On Youtube

Benefits of Solo Travel

What’s the deal about solo travel? I've never had a problem traveling alone. In fact, I really enjoyed it in the past and still do in the present. I also went on travels with friends, so group travel isn’t an issue for me, either. However, being by yourself while in a different country offers you great freedom. Just imagine this: you alone decide what you’re going to do next, when to get up, what places to see, at what speed, what to eat and when to take breaks. Isn’t that a great feeling of freedom?

I know it sounds simple, but just think about how pre-determined our daily life is: you know your way to work and often go the same way between A and B every day. But once you’re traveling outside your daily routine, a new opportunity arises for you to embrace the unknown and you alone decide how you want to meet that unknown. You create your experience for the day, and isn’t that amazing? If you've ever had problems seeing solo travel in a positive light, try to view it as an opportunity to experience your full, personal, raw freedom without anyone else’s predetermined script.

Hubiwise Travels - Leaning Tower in Pisa, Italy

In Pisa with the Leaning Tower in the background.


Florence is just one hour away by train south of Bologna and it's a city on another level. It was the birthplace of renaissance. That’s why it’s really interesting for art lovers and admirers of architecture which I can only call "divinely beautiful".

The city is noted for its culture, Renaissance art, architecture and various monuments. It also contains museums and art galleries, and no wonder that it still has an influence in art, culture and Italian politics.


The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is the most famous landmark in the city. It is known for its red-tiled dome, colored marble facade and the elegant Giotto Tower. I went up the tower from which you have a wonderful view of the city. I also managed to enter the cathedral and view the amazing painting on the inside of the dome.

At Piazza della Signoria you’ll see another highlight. The area is the city's heart, a square dominated by the tower of Palazzo Vecchio and its many famous statues spread around the square.

Visit the Ponte Vecchio, a picturesque medieval stone bridge across the river, lined with jewelry and souvenir shops. It’s definitely a very beautiful and romantic place. You can also take a break to watch the stunning city scenery from the nearby hill Piazzale Michelangelo.

Hubiwise Travels - Hubi in Florence, ItalyWatch Florence On Youtube

Break your Fears

I don't mean that solo travel is the best thing in life. In fact, it really isn't for everyone, and that’s absolutely okay. People are different, and we all have different needs and desires. Some people don’t care about traveling much. Many people don’t have the right conditions to just leave and go. We also have obligations, families and duties, and sometimes they stand in the way of travels.

However, I would like to encourage you to travel solo in the context of when you’re interested in it and have the freedom to do it, but only your fear and doubts prevent you from booking the tickets. What is it that we are afraid of? Do you find it awkward or intimidating to travel solo? When I think about the famous statue of David that I saw in Florence, I picture the beauty and the amazing proportions that were given to this biblical figure by Michelangelo. The statue confidently overlooks the crowds, minding his own business, while people are standing around in awe.

Why can’t our lives be like that? ... Our personal works of art and beauty? Isn’t a lifestyle and the art of living about finding our own way of life that works for us, that makes us happy, and lets us express our inner creativity. I believe that solo travels is a good way to get to know yourself a bit better and find out how you operate in other situations outside your comfort zone.

It’s the getting out of your comfort zone that is valuable in travels. On the go you have a clear destination as a goal and reaching the destination might fill you with a great feeling of accomplishment. That’s why I believe we need to be courageous to do our own thing, even if it means that sometimes we need to do it completely alone. In still loneliness and contemplation you might discover new personal strength hidden behind your fears, worries and imaginary dangers.


Afer visiting Florence it was time to continue my journey to Pisa - the famous city with the Leaning Tower. I’ve been there once before, so it was nice to see the place again, but this time with much fewer tourists at the main piazza. I managed to climb the tower. At the top you don’t really feel that the tower is slanted, but you feel it while walking up. It’s just easier to climb the stairs on one side of the tower. And as the stairs go around the hollow inside, the lightness and heaviness of climbing alternate a few times before you reach the top. Once you arrive there, you are rewarded with an amazing view of this nice, little, Italian city.

Hubiwise Travels - Visit Pisa in ItalyWatch Pisa On Youtube

Cinque Terre

In Pisa I left my luggage and took a one-day trip to Cinque Terre which is a coastline area of five brightly colored fishing villages at the foot of sea cliffs. These villages are: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare. These places are perfect postcard motives. I managed to visit 4 of those villages and it was absolutely worth it. The pictures speak for themselves, and I can only imagine their stunning beauty in summer. My favorite village was Manarola which opens up spaciously towards the sea and offers a spectacular view from the neighbouring cliffs. I’ll never forget that.

Hubiwise Travels - Visit Cinque Terre in ItalyWatch Cinque Terre On Youtube


David & Goliath

Traveling solo allowed me to visit all these amazing places in Italy which now continue living in my memories. Deciding to go on the trip and putting it into practice filled me with deep inner happiness. I achieved a deep feeling of accomplishment. The feeling itself was the goal of the journey. I wouldn’t have achieved that if I hadn't gone on the solo trip that was in the making in my mind for quite a long time.

Let's think about the statue of David again. He represents a biblical character, a young guy who managed to defeat a giant with a simple sling. The whole story is about a situation where a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary and defeats him. Shouldn’t we face our inner giant opponent, which is our fears and worries, and bravely defeat them by embracing the unknown and being courageous enough to make our decisions as self-determined people? I’m sure that experiencing solo travel at least once would empower you to be exactly that and lets you discover more of your inner strength.

I hope that I could encourage you to push through with your plans and deepest dreams. If solo travels can help you to achieve that, then definitely go for it, my dear reader, I’m here to inspire you to become an independent, righteous, and determined person full of compassion and good intentions. Enjoy your journey!

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I am Digital Designer and Multimedia Specialist with long-time experience in web, video editing, content creation and creative campaign planning.

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